Cat on a Book

Harassment in School
Harassment in School
Harassment in School

Harassment in School

Original title : Le harcèlement scolaire
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys
Author : Florence Millot
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 80
110 x 168 mm
4.95 €

Content : The questioning around bullying is in every home and in all children's mouths today. Of course, harassment and hazing have always existed. The fact that a small group of children resent a scapegoat child has always been seen in every schoolyard. However today, this phenomenon has gained momentum as harassment is more and more invisible: verbal or sometimes digital.

This book contains:
- Insights into this form of bullying, its manifestations at school and at home.
- A multitude of effective and proven tips that complement these 10 keys to support your child and give him the tools to protect himself, defend himself and adopt the right reflexes.

Rights sold: Romanian.

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