Cat on a Book

The Beginnings of Language
The Beginnings of Language
The Beginnings of Language

The Beginnings of Language

Original title : Les débuts du langage
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys
Author : Suzel Rocher
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 80
110 x 165 mm
4.90 €

Content : We know it, language is an innate and instinctive ability. Yes, but not only! From his first babbling to the formulation of complex sentences, your child will learn to speak by imitating those around him. And his first role model... is you!
What position to adopt to communicate well? What words to use to correct him with benevolence? Here are all the tools to accompany him hand in hand in the amazing adventure of speech.
This book contains:
• Insights into how language works to stimulate your child from birth.
• A multitude of effective and proven tips that complement these 10 keys to simply and easily enrich his vocabulary.

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