Cat on a Book

I Release my Child’s Creativity
I Release my Child’s Creativity
I Release my Child’s Creativity
I Release my Child’s Creativity

I Release my Child’s Creativity

Original title : Je libère la créativité de mon enfant
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Zen Parents
Author : Nathalie Petit
Illustrator/Photographer : Adejie
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 96
160 x 210 mm
7.95 €

Content : Does your child complains of being bored a little too often for your liking? You no longer know how to take him/her off the screens and can no longer encourage him/her to tinker, read and play with the many games that pile up in the closets ... It is all the more annoying when you know the formidable creative potential of children and their overflowing imaginations.
It is difficult when you are a parent to take time to reflect and make the right decisions. Busy days do not leave the time to tackle this problem head-on.
Never mind, you have in your hands THE book that will give you all the solutions to stimulate your child's creativity… and consequently his/her autonomy and openness to the world.
• The short and clear explanations by Nathalie Petit - specialist in the neurocognitive and behavioral approach and author of numerous parenting books - will help you better understand your child's needs.
• The 50 games, tips and activities available will help him/her explore his/her incredible creative potential through multiple intelligence theory.

Breathe, open this book and find serenity!

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