Cat on a Book

I Help my Child to Look at the Bright Side of Life
I Help my Child to Look at the Bright Side of Life
I Help my Child to Look at the Bright Side of Life

I Help my Child to Look at the Bright Side of Life

Original title : J'aide mon enfant à prendre la vie du bon côté
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Zen Parents
Author : Aurore Aimelet
Illustrator/Photographer : Adejie
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 96
160 x 210 mm
7.95 €

Content : Is your child constantly anxious and unable to see the bright side of things?
You no longer know how to instill optimism in him and yet you would like him to be more confident, cheerful, enterprising...
It is difficult, when you are a parent, to take time to think and act. Your days, too full, do not leave you the time to approach with zenitude all these little concerns of everyday life.
Never mind, you have in your hands THE book that will give you all the solutions to help your child regain his spirit... and therefore yours!
- Aurore Aimelet's - expert in self help - short and clear explanations will help you better decipher your child;
- The 50 games, tips and activities to offer him will help him gradually regain his joie de vivre and his self-confidence.

Breathe, open this book and find serenity!

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