Cat on a Book

The Oldest Woman in the World
The Oldest Woman in the World
The Oldest Woman in the World
The Oldest Woman in the World
The Oldest Woman in the World

The Oldest Woman in the World

Original title : La Doyenne du Monde
Publisher : Akinomé
Author : Alexandre Sattler, Pejan
Illustrator/Photographer : Alexandre Sattler, Pejan
Category : Photo books
Format : Paperback
Pages : 144
220 x 220 mm
25.00 €

Content : Alexandre Sattler is part of the traveller-photographer move. He uses photos to catch all the beauty of humanity. He is the founder of the association Regard’Ailleurs. Thanks to his images, he loves to deliver different values such as solidarity and unity between peoples.
This beautiful photo illustrated book is an ode to the oldest woman in the world. An ode to wisdom, thanks to inspiring quotations and Asian tales.

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