Cat on a Book

A Journey to Japan in Origami
A Journey to Japan in Origami
A Journey to Japan in Origami
A Journey to Japan in Origami
A Journey to Japan in Origami

A Journey to Japan in Origami

Original title : Voyage au Japon en Origamis
Publisher : Akinomé
Author : Audrey Frénois
Illustrator/Photographer : Audrey Frénois
Format : Paperback with flaps
Pages : 144
220 x 220 mm
26 €

Content : Folding, Tips and Sharing

This book is a journey through Japan and with origami!

Each place visited and beautifully photographed is an invitation to make an origami created by the author, Audrey Frénois.
She lived in Japan for several years, accompanying her husband on his expatriation.

Origami was part of her life long before she knew she was going to move to Japan with her family. It was a craft activity made on weekends to relax. She has always enjoyed working with color and pattern combinations. It was her discovery of washi paper on her arrival in Japan that triggered her artistic development.

In this book, Audrey shares the places that marked her during the three years she lived in Tokyo. Each place presented, sublimated by bold colors and references to the land of origami, echo her artistic inspiration. It is the combination of these two worlds that she wished to highlight in this title.

This book is a success from every point of view: photographs of symbolic and not-to-be-missed places, original origami, detailed with step by step instructions and photos, explaining each fold.

It is both a travel book and a craft title: the perfect gift book for people in love with Japan!

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