Cat on a Book

Japan Alphabet Book of a Thwarted Love
Japan Alphabet Book of a Thwarted Love
Japan Alphabet Book of a Thwarted Love

Japan Alphabet Book of a Thwarted Love

Original title : Japon - Abécédaire d'un amour contrarié
Publisher : Akinomé
Collection : Travel Books
Author : Florence Costa
Category :
Format : Paperback with flaps
Pages : 176
160 x 200 mm
21.90 €

Content : Florence Costa left France at the age of 18 to study in Japan. Over the next 25 years, she struggled with the Kobe earthquake in 1995, went from school to work and then married A.
She integrates as best she can into her new life by becoming a woman married to a salary man.
In this autobiography, in the form of an alphabet, she gives us her most intimate thoughts.
What she loves passionately: matsuri (parades), hanami (festival of cherry blossoms), the onsen (baths), the place of nature... And what on the contrary reveals a dark and macho Japan where her condition as a foreigner (gaijin) becomes more and more trying until her divorce and her return to France.
She evokes here through the 27 letters of the alphabet, love, marriage, daily bentos, traditions, codes, the obligations of the wife, sudden death at work, the sexuality of young people...

Florence Costa lived 25 years in Japan she got married there and had three children, a girl and two boys, who have a dual culture. She speaks and writes Japanese. Aged 51 today, she returned to France in July 2016, after a complicated divorce. Two of her children stayed with their father, one returned to Paris with her. She decided to tell her story which allows us to better understand this country which is unlike any other.

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