Cat on a Book

Cycling across Asia

Cycling across Asia

Original title : Traverser l'Asie à vélo
Publisher : Akinomé
Collection : Travel Books
Author : Louis de Bouvier
Category : , Travel books
Format : Paperback
Pages : 176
160 x 200 mm
22.00 €

Content : A courageous and exemplary 10,000 km expedition.

This is a travelogue about an expedition to Asia by bike in 2019. Two young friends, aged 24, decided to spend a year defending a noble cause: the education of young people in difficulty with the help of the NGO "Enfants du Mekong“ (Children of the Mekong).
Their epic journey lasted 6 months, covering more than 10,000 km, solely by bicycle. Right from the start, they decided never to sleep in a hotel: each night depending on the people they met (temples, police stations, private homes...).

No less than 7 Asian countries visited!

This great humanitarian trip by two young people is a wonderful way to discover Myanmar, India, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. Courage, tenacity, hard knocks, very happy moments: this story is full of good advice for those who want to travel far by bike. The author gives the best tips on how to take it easy on your bike, and how to hold on both mentally and physically. Because the aim of this trip is to live simply, without overspending, and to get as close as possible to the local population. He encourages this type of slow travel, by living closely to the locals you meet along the way.

Thanks to this trip, “Enfant du Mékong” received 7,500 meals!

Foreword by Marine Barnérias.
In 2016, at the age of 21, Marine was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She decided to embark on a journey of initiation through New Zealand, Burma and Mongolia, to discover herself. From this adventure was born Rosy, a documentary film released in 2022. Founder of an audiovisual production company, she makes programs and films that put the human at the heart.

About the author:
Louis de Bouvier was born in 1994. He grew up in Rennes (Brittany) and studied in Vannes and Marseille. During his gap year, aged 24, he left for Asia and travelled by bicycle. The young student and his partner discovered seven countries, setting themselves the goal of sleeping in local homes every night. Since his return, Louis has been working in the sports industry.

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