Cat on a Book

Where are the LGBTQI+ Characters in Children’s Literature?

Where are the LGBTQI+ Characters in Children’s Literature?

Original title : Où sont les personnages LGBTQI+ en littérature jeunesse ?
Collection : I’d Like to See you Try
Author : Sarah Ghelam and Spencer Robinson
Category :
Format : Paperback
Pages : 124
140 x 180 mm
10.00 €

Content : Presentation of the collection by the publisher:

The different titles offer a collection of books, re-editions and talks on current research and practices in the field of representations within the production of children’s books in France.

The question of representations in children's literature, whether in terms of "diversities", visibilities" or "the fight against stereotypes", is over-mediatized, mainly through the polemical prism of so-called "cancel culture" and the alleged dangers of "wokism".

These discourses go hand in hand with an invisibilization of the numerous research into representations in children's literature and their consequences for children. We feel it is urgent to make accessible to all interested parties, professional or not, the knowledge and practices that exist on these subjects.

The book:

How often have you come across LGBTQI+ characters in children's books? What are the issues involved in their representation? This essay analyzes the entire production of children's books featuring LGBTQI+ characters, i.e. nearly 70 titles from 1977 to 2023. Highlighting the importance of a diversity of representations and the consequences of their absence in children's literature, this book offers everyone the chance to develop a critical eye and concrete tools for (re)thinking their bookcase.

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