Cat on a Book

What Are You Chewing On?
What Are You Chewing On?
What Are You Chewing On?
What Are You Chewing On?

What Are You Chewing On?

Original title : Qu’est-ce que tu machouilles ?
Publisher : L'Elan Vert
Collection : Little M
Author : Coralie Saudo
Illustrator/Photographer : Hervé Le Goff
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
230 x 230 mm
12.20 €

Content : Timini walks around, pacifier in mouth.
- What are you chewing on? Can I have a taste? asks the chameleon.
- NO!» growls Timini. It’s MY pacifier!
Here comes the lion...

Timini never lends his pacifier! But when the terrible lion arrives, he has no choice. And ouch, the king of animals swallows it whole. Poor Timini has lost his pacifier! Luckily, his friends are there to help. If a pacifier is a comfort, his friends will cuddle him. If it's used for falling asleep, they'll sing lullabies...
But Timini wants to go and find the lion... Has he gone mad? No, he wants to wait for the lion to poop before throwing away his pacifier. After all, nature isn't a dustbin!

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