Cat on a Book

The Hypersensitive Child
The Hypersensitive Child
The Hypersensitive Child

The Hypersensitive Child

Original title : L'enfant hypersensible
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys - New Edition
Author : Elodie Crépel
Category : ! NEW !, Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 128
110 x 165 mm
7.50 €

Content : The series: 10 keys to help children in different life situations.
With numerous effective and proven tips that complete these 10 keys to gently support each of the children according to their age.

The book: it contains 10 keys to accompany hypersensitive children from birth to teenagerhood.
The hypersensitive child experiences everything more intensely. His joys, his disappointments, his enthusiasm and his sadness are just like emotional storms that can disrupt daily life. How to support a hypersensitive child? And above all, how to support him and help him transform his precious qualities in superpowers?
The book contains many effective and proven advice to welcome the emotions of your child and help him thrive.
With highlights on the concept of hypersensitivity and its different demonstrations.

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