Cat on a Book

Simone's Lover
Simone's Lover
Simone's Lover

Simone's Lover

Original title : L'amoureuse de Simone
Author : Elsa Kedadouche
Illustrator/Photographer : Amélie-Anne Calmo
Age : 5+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
210 x 210 mm
15 €

Content : Simone is in love with her girl-friend Makéda. What is going on in her almost six-and-a-half-year-old child's heart? Stars, storm, sun… Simone tells us. With Makéda, they share dreams, games, a lot of love. And that is quite a story.

- “Papillons noirs” (Black Butterflies) award 2022, promoting diversity in youth culture.
- "Abracadabra" award 2024, picture books category. Created by the bookshop Combo in France, it rewards the books that do a good job of representation / inclusion, either for subjects that stand out from the norms, or through the illustrations in the book.

English text available.

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