Cat on a Book

The Two Cutest
The Two Cutest
The Two Cutest

The Two Cutest

Original title : Les plus beaux
Author : Thomas Quillardet
Illustrator/Photographer : Amélie-Anne Calmo
Age : 4+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
210 x 210 mm
15.00 €

Content : Diego and Alban are neighbors and lovers.
Despite the fact their parents forbade them to borrow the canoe, they decide to take it and to go on an adventure. The temptation of a romantic stroll, just the two of them, is too strong. On board the canoe, they sail along the river. Happy at the idea of ​​crossing the lock, they do not see the danger coming and… catastrophe! The two lovers find themselves swallowed up by the eddies of a barge and lose their paddles. How to go back now? This is an opportunity to learn to overcome difficulties together.

Navigating from page to page, with the colours of the Indian summer which crosses dragonflies, herons and duckweed, Thomas Quillardet offers readers his vision of love: to love is to overcome trials, ups and downs, together. But to love is also to be able to count on others and to be united.

A book supported by Amnesty International.
English text available.

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