Cat on a Book

The Power of Food and Natural Technics Over our Emotions
The Power of Food and Natural Technics Over our Emotions
The Power of Food and Natural Technics Over our Emotions
The Power of Food and Natural Technics Over our Emotions

The Power of Food and Natural Technics Over our Emotions

Original title : Naturopathie et Emotions
Publisher : Akinomé
Collection : Cooking & Me
Author : Florence Cotté and Blandine Paploray
Format : Paperback with flaps
Pages : 128
220 x 220 mm
25.00 €

Content : Connect head, heart and body.

Discover in this book the advice of two naturopaths, their fun tips and express recipes, which you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.
You will also find practical tips on breathing, cold showers, physical activity, massage, sleep and laughter to help regain your full physical and emotional potential.
We talk a lot about handling our emotions, but we know less about the influence of food on emotions. Each nutrient plays a fundamental role in the body, and a deficiency can increase anxiety, irritability or sadness. By balancing your plate and relying on natural techniques, you can regain joy, fun, pleasure and energy.
In this book you will find 39 themes in alphabetical order: as many life-changing tools, that are easy to implement in your everyday life.

Florence Cotté is a naturopath, Chi Nei Tsang and Kobido practitioner. She places physical and emotional balance at the heart of health. In this book, she explains in a simple and benevolent way how our bodies and emotions work, and offers advice on how to take care of them.

To manage daily stress, Blandine Paploray discovered the practice of meditation, which led her to take an interest in the link between body and mind. To deepen their interaction, she trained in naturopathy, micronutrition and massage. Blandine shares with you all the tips she has developed to help you live better in body, mind and heart!

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