Cat on a Book

The Monkey King
The Monkey King
The Monkey King
The Monkey King

The Monkey King

Original title : Le Singe Roi
Publisher : Des Ronds dans l'O
Author : Emma Robert
Illustrator/Photographer : Romain Lubière
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
220 x 290 mm
16.00 €

Content : “I have a crown! I am the King!"
With these words, the monkey who wanted to be king imposed his orders on all the monkeys in the area. No one dared to contradict him until the day a little Capuchin from another country comes and disturbs his authority…

With this story, the theme of democracy is approached very simply for children by using a fable.

Emma Robert was born in 1979 in Paris suburbs. From 2014, she publishes children’s picture books with Jacques Flament Editions, Gautier-Languereau, Dyozol or even Mouck. Mina is a Bird, a story on autism published in 2019, is her first book with Des Ronds dans l’O.

After 3 years of training at the Fine Art School of Saint-Étienne, 2007 was the year Romain Lubière
launched his independent activity. He first started by realizing communication media graphic, then
from 2008 he proposed services in comic book colorization and drawing. Today, illustration represents the most important part of his work.

Children book award "P'tits Malins" book fair 2022 (France).
Nominated for the "Incorruptibles" award 2022-2023, first grade category.
Nominated for the "Gayant Lecture" award 2022, first category, from 4 year-old.

English text available.

Rights sold: Portuguese for Brazil, Spanish.

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