Cat on a Book

The Weaver of Clouds
The Weaver of Clouds
The Weaver of Clouds
The Weaver of Clouds

The Weaver of Clouds

Original title : La tisseuse de nuages
Publisher : Des Ronds dans l'O
Author : Ingrid Chabbert
Illustrator/Photographer : Virginie Rapiat
Age : 5+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
220 x 290 mm
16.50 €

Content : On Mount Tai, there was a small village where the culture was prosperous until the day when the drought considerably impoverished the land. Wang, Chih-Nii's father had to go in search of water as tradition demanded.
Unfortunately, time passed and Wang did not return. The clever Chih-Nii then had an extraordinary idea to bring water back to the village.

Stunning graphics, for an awareness of the scarcity of water from an early age.

Ingrid Chabbert did not make high Literary studies. In fact she did not even go to college. What she loves since she was young is simply writing and telling stories. Since 2010, she has finally started as a children’s book author! With Des Ronds dans l’O she signed among other books: The memory of birds, The Little Beige Cardigan, Kadogo, Mum’s Book, ...

Virginie Rapiat lives in Burgundy where she has been working as an Applied Arts teacher since 1999. She practices illustration as a hobby, which allows her to choose the texts and universes that interest her the most.

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