Cat on a Book

A Ticket to America
A Ticket to America
A Ticket to America

A Ticket to America

Original title : Un billet pour l'Amérique
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : One Day Elsewhere
Author : Isabelle Wlodarczyk
Illustrator/Photographer : Barroux
Age : 6+
Category : Picture Books 6+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
200 x 270 mm
15.80 €

Content : 1892-1954, Ellis Island (USA)

Penelope is finally leaving Samos: her island
has become too small, her family too poor,
and she dreams of a different life for herself.
She wants to join her uncle Nikos in New York.
She faces a rough journey, sickness and administrative difficulties with courage and determination before reaching Ellis Island.
In America, the young girl can at last make her dream come true and study medicine, starting a new life in the New World.

About the series:
Picture books to embody History through the lives of individuals.
A fiction anchored in the context of an important event of the 20th century.
For very curious children, 6 pages to know more.

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