Cat on a Book

A Dream of Freedom
A Dream of Freedom
A Dream of Freedom

A Dream of Freedom

Original title : Un rêve de liberté
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : One Day Elsewhere
Author : Marion Le Hir de Fallois
Illustrator/Photographer : Solenn Larnicol
Age : 6+
Category : Picture Books 6+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
200 x 270 mm
15.80 €

Content : 1965, women’s right at work in France

Claire has to move, she is leaving Paris. She will have to change school, adapt and make new friends. Her mother is a doctor, she will be the first woman to practice in this city. A challenge ! While Claire dreams of becoming cheerleader, like Sylvie, her best friend.

About the series:
Picture books to embody History through the lives of individuals.
A fiction anchored in the context of an important event of the 20th century.
For very curious children, 6 pages to know more.

Rights sold: Korean.

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