Cat on a Book



Original title : Ici
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Picture books
Author : Séverine Duchesne
Illustrator/Photographer : Séverine Duchesne
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 64
140 x 210 mm
14.00 €

Content : Between Here and There, everything is so different yet so similar. A playful and funny book that can be read in both directions.

This is the same story told from two different points of view: those of a tit and a woodpecker. They were born in different places, yet their lives are exactly the same... in their own way. Their days are punctuated by the same things: the nest, meals, friends.
For each of us, the needs are the same: shelter, food, social contact. But in different ways.
One day, driven out by a storm, the woodpecker is forced to leave his tree. It finds refuge in a new tree, on a new branch, where the tit's nest is located.

The story is constructed as a mirror image: each stage of their encounter is recounted by one bird and the other by the other bird. No side predominates, and readers can start with either one or the other story. And whatever happens, both birds end up on a positive note at the centre of the book.

It is a way for youngsters to learn about otherness, to question their habits and to meet the unknown. Between here and there, everything is both very different and very similar. Sometimes this helps us to understand each other better, to be more tolerant.

The little extra: This book raises questions about otherness, through the habits and daily lives of children.

About the author-illustrator:
Séverine Duchesne studied Applied Arts in Toulouse, where she lives and works. She divides her time between writing, drawing and crafting small, recycled objects. Papier mâché, modelling clay, paint, collage... everything is a pretext for imagining new worlds, new stories to tell and share. With this title, she gives us a text imbued with just the right delicacy, balanced with the mischief and strong character of the characters, complemented by funny visuals in spring colours. This is her first book for Kilowatt.

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