Cat on a Book



Original title : Superfish
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Picture books
Author : Orianne Lallemand
Illustrator/Photographer : Maurèen Poignonec
Age : 4+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
200 x 270 mm
13.70 €

Content : A boy dreams of having a pet. A dog or a cat, at worst a rabbit. He would even settle for a hamster, but his parents give him... a goldfish for his birthday.
After careful observation, he realizes that his fish isn't like the others. In fact, it's a superhero! Convinced it has special powers, he calls it Superfish.
And one day, Superfish actually saves the Earth! After a prodigious leap, Superfish landed in the middle of the road. The boy rushed in to save him, stopping the cars dead in their tracks. And with the incredible flapping of a butterfly's wing, the pollution cloud vanished.

A funny book about pollution and the power of imagination.

Rights sold: Korean.

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