Cat on a Book

A Tiny Little Grain of Sand
A Tiny Little Grain of Sand
A Tiny Little Grain of Sand
A Tiny Little Grain of Sand

A Tiny Little Grain of Sand

Original title : Un tout petit grain de sable
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Picture books
Author : Galia Tapiero
Illustrator/Photographer : Marion Brand
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
140 x 180 mm
11.00 €

Content : Behind every little grain of sand lies an incredible story.

A story about the formation of a tiny grain of sand: from the rock that detaches itself from the immense mountain, rolls and erodes into the ocean before washing up on the beach in a sand castle.

For the illustrations, Marion Brand has chosen a limited palette of vivid colors in shades of blue, orange and violet to accompany a minimalist text, so that we pay attention to every word recounting every stage of this incredible metamorphosis.

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