Cat on a Book

A Beekeeper's Day
A Beekeeper's Day
A Beekeeper's Day
A Beekeeper's Day

A Beekeeper's Day

Original title : Une journée d'apicultrice
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Picture books
Author : Arnaud Nebbache
Illustrator/Photographer : Arnaud Nebbache
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
200 x 270 mm
14.50 €

Content : Every morning, the beekeeper checks the hives, but this morning she doesn’t hear their soothing
humming: the bees have disappeared! On their way to school, the children saw a swarm of bees further down the valley. Her dear bees are in danger! A race against time starts to save them. The beekeeper will find the swarm above a farm, where a tractor is about to spray dangerous pesticides. Fortunately, the beekeeper arrives just in time.

Suspense, poetry and flamboyant colors to encourage the preservation of pollinating insects essential to biodiversity.

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