Cat on a Book

Perfect Parents, a Toxic Myth
Perfect Parents, a Toxic Myth

Perfect Parents, a Toxic Myth

Original title : Parents parfaits, un mythe toxique
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Parents' Side
Author : Isabelle Tepper
Illustrator/Photographer : Cécile Bailleux
Format : Paperback
Pages : 224
155 x 225 mm
16.95 €

Content : To be a good parent at all costs: this ideal always proves to be as tenacious as it is inaccessible, especially since the definition has not ceased to fluctuate for 150 years. Food, cleanliness, authority, screens... Parents remain subject to an overflow of injunctions - often contradictory - justified by the latest scientific discoveries or fashionable educational advises. Over-informed from pregnancy, parents have never been so destabilized and fragile, considering the increasing statistics of cases of postpartum depression and parental “burn-out”.

This book has the primary vocation of relieving guilt by offering an investigation going to the sources of this unease.
- A historical perspective to better understand the evolution of these injunctions varying over myths, scientific discoveries and diktats disseminated by social networks.
- Parents' testimonies to highlight our difficulties in overcoming the obstacles within the couple, families, society, at work...
- Insights from childhood professionals who want to change the situation and resolve this critical situation to finally reconcile the well-being of children with that of parents.

A work of public interest to finally grant yourself the right to be an imperfect and fully fulfilled parent!
Foreword by Dr Pfersdorff, pediatrician and columnist for the daily parenting show “La Maison des Maternelles” (The Pre-School Children’s Home), followed by 375.000 parents.
Illustrated by Cécile Bailleux, author of parenting comics.

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