Cat on a Book

Breastfeeding As I Wish
Breastfeeding As I Wish
Breastfeeding As I Wish
Breastfeeding As I Wish

Breastfeeding As I Wish

Original title : J'allaite comme je le souhaite !
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Parents' Side
Author : Julie Carillon
Category : ! NEW !, Parenting
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 160
172 x 230 mm
14.99 €

Content : Each woman has her own story, project, and breastfeeding!

The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby are well established. But what makes some women happy can quickly become a source of anxiety and disappointment for others.

Although it is a natural part of life, breastfeeding gives rise to a host of fears: fear of being in pain, of feeding your baby poorly, of being judged by family and friends and by health professionals... There is no shortage of questions: how to prepare, what equipment to use, what position(s) to adopt... It is a sensitive and sometimes complex subject, which requires a sympathetic and guilt-free approach so that all women can successfully breastfeed, in their own way, with peace of mind and without constraints.

In this book mothers will find everything they need:
- explanations of breastfeeding, how to prepare for it and how to make it work over the long term;
- detailed factsheets on baby's nutrition, mum's physical and mental health, the most common difficulties encountered and their solutions;
- photos, videos and illustrations to guide mothers step by step through the most comfortable breastfeeding positions and how to latch on properly;
- The author's advice accompanied by tips, testimonials and recommendations.

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