Cat on a Book



Original title : Je porte mon bébé
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Parents' Side
Author : Chloé Ponsin
Category : ! NEW !, Parenting
Format : Paperback with flaps
Pages : 160
172 x 228 mm
14.99 €

Content : Means, technics, question-and-answers

"My adventure with babywearing began with the absence of an elevator. Pregnant with my first child and living on the third floor, the prospect of carrying a stroller up the stairs did not appear very attractive. So, I started to look for information about carrying. I was that person who typed on her keyboard: “Which means of carrying should I choose? ". I too was a beginner and lost in front of all the existing offer. I bought a first means of porting, I studied the installation manual and I started to carry my baby after birth, at the maternity. And there it was a revelation. Installed in the scarf, however approximately, he calmed down and fell asleep. For my part, I loved to feel his little body against mine while regaining the use of my hands. This baby that I had long carried in my heart, I now carried it against it."

Discover a complete guide on the subject of babywearing with an intuitive, practical approach and richly illustrated by Chloé Ponsin, babywearing instructor with more than 20,9K followers on Instagram!

A practical and intuitive book allowing parents to navigate naturally between the different media available to them, including:
- Photos to clearly visualize how to tighten and install your baby safely;
- Videos accessible via QR-codes throughout the book to understand step-by-step babywearing techniques;
- Comparative lists and technical insights to understand babywearing techniques in a simple and effective way;
- Reassuring testimonials from participants to Chloé’s workshops.

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