Cat on a Book

Awakening my Baby in the Water
Awakening my Baby in the Water
Awakening my Baby in the Water
Awakening my Baby in the Water

Awakening my Baby in the Water

Original title : J'éveille mon bébé dans l'eau
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Parents' Side
Author : Emeline Riffier
Category : ! NEW !, Parenting
Format : Paperback with flaps
Pages : 160
172 x 228 mm
14.99 €

Content : Aquatic discovery, massage and reflexology, Q&A

Water is a toddler's natural environment, providing a sense of well-being. Yet, many children are afraid of water or feel uncomfortable in the bath. It is possible to get them used to the aquatic element from an early age.
But how can you safely introduce your baby to water? Can you do it at home, and what equipment do you need?

The author, Emeline Riffier, is a baby-swimming coach and founder of "Bébés nageurs“ (Baby Swimmers). In this community, professionals and parents can discuss the benefits of water and the safety rules before introducing babies to water activities. She also supports parent-child duos in the ritual of bath time and cognitive development from 8 to 12 months.

In this book you will find:
- Explanations on the benefits of aquatic development for babies;
- Detailed step-by-step instructions with photos and videos;
- Advice from Émeline to anticipate your questions and dispel any doubts you may have;
- Massage and relaxation techniques to reassure and soothe the baby.
With photos and QR-codes leading to videos to accompany your baby in the water in total confidence.

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