Content : Bernadette suffered from a very annoying ailment: she was allergic. To children. Oh, I'm not talking about people who can't stand toddlers on planes or in restaurants. No. I'm talking about a real disease, like mumps or swine flu. Was Bernadette going to find a solution?
Poor Bernadette Croupion... Children are everywhere! When you're allergic to kids, peace is over! Gone were the pool, the cinema, the park and her favorite restaurant... at any moment a toddler could appear. And the more she tried to treat herself, the worse the symptoms got. Last resort: treat evil with evil! And off she went to Rigolodingo among hundreds of toddlers. It was an abject failure. How to get out of it? Bernadette searched for an even more remote location and found it! Here she is in space. Victory!