Cat on a Book

Inabata and the Silver Bird
Inabata and the Silver Bird
Inabata and the Silver Bird
Inabata and the Silver Bird

Inabata and the Silver Bird

Original title : Inabata et l’oiseau d’argent
Publisher : L'Elan Vert
Collection : Stories
Author : Brigitte Delpech
Illustrator/Photographer : Anja Klauss
Age : 4+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
240 x 300 mm
13.90 €

Content : Imagine a distant sea, beyond the horizon. On its furious whirlpools is Dragon Island. This is where the fisherman Inabata lives.
One evening, a terrible tremor shakes the island. In his shelter in the heart of the mountain, Inabata perceives a muffled cry: a huge bird with silver feathers is at his side, hurt.

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