Cat on a Book

Tala and the Buffalo
Tala and the Buffalo
Tala and the Buffalo
Tala and the Buffalo

Tala and the Buffalo

Original title : Tala et le bison
Publisher : Des Ronds dans l'O
Author : Romain Lubière
Illustrator/Photographer : Romain Lubière
Age : 4+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
220 x 290 mm
16.00 €

Content : Lost in her thoughts, Tala, a curious young girl, gets lost on a walk in the forest. As she tries to turn back, she starts worrying, as she senses the presence of a buffalo. She knows, as her father has warned her, that buffalo are dangerous.
Exhausted, and seeking to protect herself by following her father's advice, Tala lights a fire and ends up falling into a restless sleep.

Tala and the buffalo is a tale about reconciliation and living together when it is necessary.

About the author / illustrator:
After 3 years of training at the Fine Art School of Saint-Étienne, 2007 was the year Romain Lubière launched his independent activity. He first started by realizing communication media graphics, then from 2008 he proposed services in comic books colorization and drawing. Today, illustration represents the most important part of his work.
This is the first picture book for which he is the author and the illustrator both.

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